Sitting at a desk all day long can easily lead to stiff muscles and joints, which are susceptible to injuries. But Central Arkansas Rehab Manager Dejuan Daniel says there are many ways to keep yourself strong and flexible, even in a small office setting.

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is the medical term for the sudden loss of heart function. It’s different from a heart attack and often occurs without warning.

If you are experiencing holiday stress, you are not alone! We cannot always predict when negative stress might present itself. The good thing is that holiday stress is very predictable.

Coughing and sneezing - it's the sound of the holiday season. During fall and winter months, we see an uptick in viruses, and this year is no different.

A CHI St. Vincent shares her heart health testimony including how she almost put her life in danger by pushing aside her symptoms.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and it is linked to some types of cancer.

For many back problems involving just one pinched nerve or one bulging disk in the spine, we offer a minimally invasive surgery that will allow for a short hospital stay, fast recovery, and quick return to work and life.

Can showing gratitude actually help in reducing our stress? It turns out, by being appreciative, we can actually decrease our cortisol level (stress hormone) which in turn decreases our stress.

Symptoms of breast cancer are different for each person, and in some cases, even invisible or nonexistent. That's why mammograms are so important!

Here are the five truths every woman should know about breast cancer.

3D mammography allows doctors to detect breast cancer early, which can lead to better outcomes for the patient.

Many people have a condition called peripheral artery disease (PAD) and they don’t even know it.

Our minds and bodies inevitably change with age. Though reversing the aging process is currently impossible, taking care of your physical health can help slow the process.
Ovarian cancer isn’t a single disease–it’s a group of diseases originating in the ovaries. Ovarian cancer is unique, complex, and often misunderstood. Its symptoms can be vague, making detection challenging.

Dr. Brandon Ingram, Bariatric, General Surgeon, explains what a patient can expect with weight loss surgery.

Establishing a relationship with a pediatrician is one of the best things you can do to keep your child healthy, from birth through the teenage years.

For some patients with atrial fibrillation, the WATCHMAN device can be used to prevent stroke.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern, it can also lead to long-term serious health problems. Dr. Brandon Ingram, General and Bariatric Surgeon, explains how.

Diet and exercise are the first steps to reach a healthy weight, if this is not successful, weight loss surgery may be a good option. Dr. Brandon Ingram, Bariatric and General Surgery, explains benefits of the gastric sleeve.

Being overweight has a direct negative effect on your heart health. Dr. Jason Pelton, Interventional Cardiologist, describes symptoms that may indicate there is a heart issue.