Infirmary Celebrating 70 Years as Little Rock Landmark
The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, KY, established the St. Vincent Infirmary hospital in Little Rock, AR 136 years ago. On December 8, 1954, they moved the hospital for the 3rd and last time to what is now known as Two St. Vincent Circle off of University and Markham. This location has served as a landmark in Little Rock ever since.
The Most Reverend Albert L. Fletcher, D.D., Bishop of Little Rock (at the time), received a special Apostolic Benediction from Pope Pius XII, which reads in part, “This Benediction is granted by the Sovereign Pontiff as a token of his paternal affection and as a pledge of divine favor for the future upon St. Vincent’s Infirmary, which during these many years has been the scene of this noble apostolate so dear to the Heart of the Divine Physician Himself.“