Visitor Guidelines

TWO VISITORS AT A TIME will be allowed to see a patient. One visitor may spend the night with patients not being treated in the ICU. Instances that would require more than one visitor at a time will be evaluated on a case by case basis. No children under 12 can visit in the ICU/CCU. Children under 12 visiting patients must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Children under 12 may be restricted in certain situations based on patient condition. If a patient is COVID-19 positive, no visitors will be allowed. Read our full visitor policy for more details.


Non-discrimination Notice

CHI St. Vincent complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. CHI St. Vincent does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Click here to read our full non-discrimination notice.


Patient Safety

For FY26, our Hospital is focusing on improving the safety and quality of our care. We are committed to Patient Safety as a core value of our hospital and have a long term goal of zero preventable harm.  Focused performance improvements include but are not limited to: Acute Care and Ambulatory Care Patient Experience, Mortality, Readmissions, Hospital Acquired Infections such as CAUTI, CLABSI, C. Difficile, Patient death or serious injury associated with a fall while being cared for in a healthcare setting, and Stage 3, Stage 4, and unstageable pressure ulcers acquired after admission/presentation to a healthcare setting. For measurable results of our efforts, please review the Hospital Compare website.


For measurable results of our efforts, please review the Hospital Compare website.



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Billing - Infirmary & North

Feb 2, 2017, 01:11 AM
Meta title :
To make a payment by check, please mail it to:
CHI St. Vincent Infirmary/North Billing
PO Box 677712
Dallas, TX 75267-7712

To pay online, click here.

For billing and financial assistance questions, please call our Customer Service Department at 501.552.3170 or 877.721.6504.

You may also review other Financial Assistance information online.
Categories : Infirmary
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Billing - Infirmary & North

Feb 2, 2017, 01:11 AM
Meta title :
To make a payment by check, please mail it to:
CHI St. Vincent Infirmary/North Billing
PO Box 677712
Dallas, TX 75267-7712

To pay online, click here.

For billing and financial assistance questions, please call our Customer Service Department at 501.552.3170 or 877.721.6504.

You may also review other Financial Assistance information online.
Categories : Infirmary
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Billing - Infirmary & North

Feb 2, 2017, 01:11 AM
Meta title :
To make a payment by check, please mail it to:
CHI St. Vincent Infirmary/North Billing
PO Box 677712
Dallas, TX 75267-7712

To pay online, click here.

For billing and financial assistance questions, please call our Customer Service Department at 501.552.3170 or 877.721.6504.

You may also review other Financial Assistance information online.
Categories : Infirmary
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Billing - Infirmary & North

Feb 2, 2017, 01:11 AM
Meta title :
To make a payment by check, please mail it to:
CHI St. Vincent Infirmary/North Billing
PO Box 677712
Dallas, TX 75267-7712

To pay online, click here.

For billing and financial assistance questions, please call our Customer Service Department at 501.552.3170 or 877.721.6504.

You may also review other Financial Assistance information online.
Categories : Infirmary
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